Sascha Bachmann, MSc
Aspen regeneration after forest floor protection in oil sands exploration (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Victor Lieffers
Jana Bockstette, MSc
The role of soil reconstruction and soil amendments in forest reclamation (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Douglass Jacobs
Simon Bockstette, PhD
Roots in reconstructed soils – how land reclamation practices affect the development of tree root systems (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Brad Pinno
David Galvez, PhD
Ecophysiology and carbon allocation of aspen and balsam poplar seedlings in response to drought (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Mel Tyree
Jake Gaster, MSc
Carbon and nutrient dynamics underlying interactions between aspen and ectomycorrhizal fungi (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Justine Karst
Devin Goodsman, PhD
Physiological, ecological and environmental factors that predispose trees, stands and landscapes to infestation by tree-killing Dendroctonus beetles (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Victor Lieffers
Alex Goeppel, MSc
Jack pine seedling performance in response to drought and outplanting (Abstract)
Jordana Fair, MSc
The potential of forest floor transfer for the reclamation of boreal forest understory plant communities (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Ellen MacDonald
Shanon Hankin, MSc
Native tree seedling interactions with variations in edaphic properties in upland boreal forest restoration (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Justine Karst
Elizabeth Hoffman, MSc
Influence of environment and site factors and biotic interactions on vegetation development following surface mine reclamation using coversoil salvaged from forest sites (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Ellen Macdonald
Stefan Hupperts, MSc
Ectomycorhizzal fungal community response to disturbance and host phenology (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Justine Karst
Justine Karst, Research Associate
Reclaiming upland forests: Links among trees, ectomycorrhizae and capping material
Carolyn King, MSc
Regeneration dynamics of seedling-origin aspen: implications for reclamation (Abstract)
Shauna Kulbaba, MSc
Evaluating trembling aspen seedling stock characteristics in response to drought and outplanting on a reclamation site (Abstract)
Kyle Le, MSc
Aspen seedling characteristics and performance on grassy reclamation sites (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Amanda Schoonmaker
Frances Leishman, Field Technician
Kate Melnik, MSc
Creating microsites for boreal understory species establishment (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Kevin Devito
Morgane Merlin, PhD
Using sap flow sensors to measure water uptake in trees: challenges and opportunities (Abstract)
Charlotte Norris, PhD
Soil organic matter cycling in novel and natural boreal forest ecosystems (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Sylvie Quideau
Gregory Pec, Postdoctoral Fellow
Co-supervisor: Dr. Justine Karst
Disturbance Effects of Oil Sands Exploration Practices on Coarse-textured Soils and Populus tremulloides Michx. Regeneration (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Myles Dyck
Javier Rodriguez, MSc
Effect of stocktype characteristics and time of planting on performance of aspen seedlings on boreal reclamation sites (Abstract)
Kaitlin Schott, MSc
Production and outplanting success of nutrient loaded aspen seedlings (Abstract)
Amanda Schoonmaker, PhD
Resource allocation, water relations and crown architecture examined at the tree and stand-level in northern conifers (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Victor Lieffers
Role of host identity, stand composition, soil type and disturbance severity in structuring ectomyccorhizal communiteis in the boreal forest (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Justine Karst
Jessica Snedden, MSc
Resource allocation, water relations and crown architecture examined at the tree and stand-level in northern conifers Root distribution, architecture, transpiration and sapflow dynamics of mature trembling aspen growing along a hillslope (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Uldis Silins
Alia Snively, MSc
Competitive relationships in forest restoration: Impact of cover crops and fertilization on tree and understory development (Abstract)
Kevin Solarik, Postdoctoral Fellow
Shauna Stack, MSc
The influence of soil reconstruction materials and targeted fertilization on the regeneration dynamics in boreal upland forest reclamation (Abstract).
Erika Valek, MSc
Planted tree seedling success following compost use on a reclaimed coal mine (Abstract)
Julia Wachowski, MSc
Transfer of live aspen roots as a reclamation technique: Effects of soil depth, root diameter and fine root growth on root suckering ability (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Victor Lieffers
Erin Wiley, Postdoctoral Fellow
Alison Wilson, MSc
Effects of biochar, fertilizer, and shelter treatments on the vegetation development following coal mine reclamation (Abstract)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Ellen Macdonald
Trevor de Zeeuw, MSc
The role of microtopographic variation in forest reclamation (Abstract)